Monday, January 5, 2009

Ready for the road again...

Still in the Dallas area this morning. Our plan was to leave early this morning and then the sky decided to rain freezing rain. The temp isn't supposed to rise any more than 33 degrees and its worse going west. We haven't been home in over 2 weeks. I miss my house, my bed, my food and I'm sure A is missing her bed as well. Last night was the first night in the 2 weeks that A slept all night. So I am ready to back in the routine again. She is doing so many new things in even the past week. She is sitting up better, waving, rolling over like a rolly polly and her top two teeth have broken through her gums! Its amazing how fast babies learn.

Home is calling our names and we should be there by tomorrow afternoon. We have loved our time with the family but then you are just ready to be in your own environment.