My Belly is HUGE, my belly is still growing (hence more stretch marks), my belly is full of life! This may be a silly way to start a post but its been my primary focus.
A couple of nights ago I was so sure I was going into labor, having contractions 10 to 15 minutes apart for about 2 hours but...they dissipated. So the next day I was moping around thinking my body is playing tricks on me, getting me all excited and then never mind! Labor is so much more than the portrayal of a pregnant woman in a movie. It's really a process. I know everyone has different experiences with labor. They do not all happen the same. Yet it's never easy and it takes patience, pain, and pressing on. It's how my whole life has been lately. But something wonderful will come out of all the soreness and indigestion. I think God teaches us through pregnancy how to trust Him and wait on Him and for us to be reminded that He is with us .
I don't know for sure what day he will come, middle of the day or in the middle of the night but I know that when its time, its time! Ethan Scott Noland, you are already loved and we are all waiting to hold your little hand and kiss your soft face :) As your sister Addie puts it "Baby brudder, I'm ready to see you soon!"